Supreme Court Justices question when and if diversity will be achieved

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Pointed questions, impatient follow-ups and testy retorts rang through the Supreme Court Wed as the future of affirmative action in college admissions was debated with intensity.
The Topic: Affirmative action in college admissionsWhy It Matters: Supreme Court is deciding whether race can be considered in admissions to maintain diversity on campus.
At issue was the claim by a white woman that she was rejected from the University of Texas at Austin because race is considered when admitting some students. But nearly none of the word revolved around the specifics of her admissions history; at issue was whether it was necessary to utilise race as a factor in admissions to maintain diverseness on the campus, and how to define and measure what level of multifariousness is sufficient.
It was the 2nd fourth dimension in ii years that the Court had heard the case, Fisher 5. University of Texas at Austin, merely despite the heightened racial climate in the country and recent campus protests, information technology wasn't clear that much had changed in the arguments since 2013.
"We're only arguing the same case," said an irritated-sounding Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who is considered the swing vote in the case.
The judges' ruling, expected next jump, could alter the future racial makeup of student bodies at public and private colleges throughout the country. Or information technology could address merely Texas'southward unusual processes.
And Master Justice John G. Roberts Jr. seemed to question whether diversity always brings an educational benefit, asking, "What unique perspective does a minority pupil bring to a physics class?"
"I don't call up information technology stands to reason that it's a proficient thing for the University of Texas to admit as many blacks as possible."
In past decisions, the Supreme Courtroom has banned the use of quotas simply allowed the apply of race (among several considerations) to create a "critical mass" of minority students on campus. When the Courtroom first heard Fisher v. University of Texas in October 2012, UT Austin claimed that its policy did exactly that.
But in June 2013, the Court rejected that statement, proverb the university hadn't proved that information technology was using race narrowly, and asked the U.S. appeals court to examine the policy once again. In a 7-1 decision, Justice Kennedy wrote that universities acquit "the ultimate burden of demonstrating, before turning to racial classifications, that available workable race-neutral alternatives do not suffice."

The appeals court took a closer look and once again ruled Texas' admissions policy constitutional. Fisher then appealed to the Supreme Court again.
Related: Affirmative action on the docket again: Justice Kennedy'south past opinions hint at outcome
The unusual rules of college admissions in Texas may be significant. Under its so-called ten percent plan, which was implemented in 1997, students who graduate in the top 10 percent of their loftier schoolhouse form are guaranteed access to public colleges in the state. Because many Texas loftier schools are racially segregated, the policy has created more than diversity on campuses, equally the top 10 percentage at by and large black or Latino schools have been admitted.
What Abigail Fisher challenged in 2008 was not the 10 per centum programme – she didn't qualify for information technology — but the admissions process that applies to other students, from Texas and elsewhere, known as holistic review.
Holistic review takes into account grades and examination scores also as essays, extra-curricular activities and "special circumstances," which include income level, high school quality, whether English is spoken at home, whether a student comes from a unmarried-parent family unit and race.
"What unique perspective does a minority student bring to a physics class?"
Some lines of questioning Midweek gave insight into what the justices may be thinking this time around.
Justice Kennedy, for example, focused on whether the University would take more evidence to ameliorate prove its case, if the Courtroom were to ship the case back to an appeals court and guild another trial.
Others asked if it was possible to discern whether a student admitted through the holistic review process would still take been admitted if race weren't used equally one of the factors. They also wanted to know if the university could prove that classrooms would get less diverse if race were taken out as a factor altogether.
Currently, 90 percent of common-size classes have one or fewer African-American students, said the university's lawyer, Gregory Garre.
Several Justices also asked whether the 10 percentage plan provided sufficient diversity on its ain, which would mean that using race in the holistic review was no longer necessary.
"Diversity languished … in the period where we had race-blind holistic admissions plus the 10 percent plan," said Garre, citing lower numbers of minority students, especially African-Americans, before race was added into the holistic review in 2003 and more than after it was added.

There was likewise no clarity on how to measure diversity and or how to assess when race would no longer be required equally a gene. In 2003, in its 5-4 decision upholding an affirmative action plan at the University of Michigan's law school, Grutter v. Bollinger, the Court said race would be required as a gene for 25 more years.
"Will we hit the deadline?" asked Chief Justice Roberts.
Last year, thirty per centum of students admitted through the 10 percent plan in Texas were Latino, while vii percent of those admitted through holistic review were Latino, according to Marisa Bono of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. For African-American students, those numbers were seven percentage and five percent respectively.
Advocates for emphasizing socioeconomic status over race argue that these numbers actually make the case for moving towards policies similar the 10 percentage plan in place of traditional affirmative activity.
"The large picture is that a bourgeois U.S. Supreme Court decision on racial preferences volition really lead to a liberal outcome," said Richard Kahlenberg, senior boyfriend at the Century Foundation. "Universities volition shift their emphasis from racial preferences to policies that volition create much more than racial and socioeconomic diversity."
Related: From the archive: Will the Supreme Courtroom strike down affirmative action in education once and for all?
Simply there is debate over whether the ten percentage plan actually creates more diversity than traditional affirmative action did. Researchers say that the growth in the number of students of color at UT Austin reflects the changing demographics in Texas.
"Will any holistic review always survive? Won't every school have to use a 10 pct plan?"
And there is a gap between UT Austin'southward racial composition and that of the state. In 2014, xiii percent of public high school graduates were African-American and 46 percentage were Latino, while African-American and Latino students enrolled at UT Austin were iv pct and 22 percentage of the student body, respectively, co-ordinate to federal data.
Justices Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg asked in several different means whether Fisher'due south lawyer believed that it was always constitutional to use race in college admissions.
"Volition whatsoever holistic review ever survive?" asked Justice Sotomayor. "Won't every schoolhouse take to use a 10 percent plan?"
It is not articulate whether the Court, when it rules, will clarify its definition of "critical mass" — whether an African-American percentage of 4 pct in a pupil body satisfies that definition.
Some opponents of affirmative activeness believe the policy hurts black students, arguing they won't succeed at institutions where other students are meliorate prepared academically.
Justice Antonin Scalia fabricated the claim that about blackness scientists don't come from schools like UT Austin, simply instead "from lesser schools where they do not feel that they're being pushed ahead in — in classes that are too fast for them."
He continued, "I don't think it stands to reason that it'due south a good thing for the University of Texas to admit as many blacks equally possible."
There were a few muffled gasps from the audience.
Garre argued that this consequence had been settled in previous cases. "Frankly, I don't think the solution to the problems with student body diversity tin be to set upwardly a system in which, not merely are minorities going to separate schools, they're going to inferior schools," he said.
Justice Elena Kagan has recused herself from the example, since she worked on information technology earlier, when she was the U.Due south. Solicitor General. But the conservatives on the Court still demand five votes to brand a change, since a four-to-four split decision would allow the lower court'south ruling stand.
This story was produced byThe Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, contained news organization focused on inequality and innovation in pedagogy. Read more than almost Higher Instruction .